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Meet One Of Our Charity Partners, The Veterans Retreat.

5 Reasons You Should Visit And Support The Veterans Retreat, Mothar Mountain.

A guest blog written by Kate Chisholm, Founder of Veterans Supporting Veterans Naturally.

A few weeks ago I took part in the most amazing weekend of connection & community at the Veterans Retreat's event the  Post Rona Campout. I got to chill out in nature with some of my best mates, while the kids ran barefoot and free.

Veteran’s Retreat is a not for profit farm stay run by 20 year Army veteran Kylie and her young family. The retreat is open to all serving members, veterans, first responders and their families/carers. Their key focus is on meaningful engagement, that of which was evident from our time away this weekend.

My husband and three young kids stayed for 3 days and we all left with our cups overflowing !!
So much gratitude that even the 3-hour car ride home in thick, slow traffic didn’t even phase us. We connected with friends old and new, shared stories by the campfires, walked and breathed in the gorgeous natural surroundings. Our young kids enjoyed time with the many animals of Veterans Retreat while we got to adult (yes, sometimes it is impossible when the kids are not distracted), knowing the kids were safe and happy we could actually FULLY relax.

Ok, 5 Reasons You Should Visit :

1. Re-charge, Re-connect, Re-focus.
Over the weekend we were given permission to just STOP, breathe and rest. Ohh pure bliss. Having been established to provide relief and assistance to current and former servicemen and women of the Defence Force and emergency services, veterans, first responders and their families and carers this amazing place offers an escape to bring solace and restoration in a busy world. Whether you fancy a quiet walk, personal meditation, work out in the gym, kayak on the dam, exploring the creek, roasting marshmallows on the fire, or even a dip in the pool it is ALL there.

2. Feel Tranquil & Grounded.
Veteran’s Retreat gives you the ability to connect physically, emotionally, mentally and socially by encouraging involvement in activities such as;

  •  Animal Therapy.
  •  Art Therapy.                                                                                                        
  •  Animal Husbandry.
  •  Wellness Activities Such As Yoga, Aqua Therapy, Mindfulness, Meditation. 
  •  Gardening.

3. Be With All The Animals

We hung out with sheep, horses, an awesome donkey called Simpson, fed chooks and collected their eggs. You can get involved and help Kylie out with feeding and grooming as much or as little as you like. There is always something to be done if you are keen to get your hands dirty. Animals are known to aid in improving your overall mental health. Some of the opportunities with the animals at Veterans Retreat might be:

  • Sheep - depending on the timing you may be able to assist with drafting, shearing, recording, tail docking, weathering, hoof trimming and more.
  • Horses - under the supervision of an experienced handler you can groom and handle the horses.
  • Cows - milk them or assist with feeding calves from the foster cows
  • Chickens - if you're lucky you may even be here when we have chicks    hatching
  • Ducks - if they aren’t enjoying the water at one of the neighbour's dams you may be able to go down visit them.

4. Purpose and Involvement

You can help out and feel involved. Be part of something and feel that intrinsic purpose you may have forgotten. There is always something to be done from collecting firewood, gardening, fencing (fencing and more fencing), water management, mowing, manure collection. There is a whiteboard located in the common room that gets checked and updated daily. If you are keen to get involved the invite is always there.


5. Games & Togetherness.

If attending with a family or group there are plenty of games for you or your kids to enjoy which are available in and around the common area. Not only are there the usual outdoor ball games, board games and cards, but they also have GIANT Jenga, naughts and crosses, dominoes, connect four and pick up sticks. The kids (and big kids) absolutely love them. Our kids zoomed
around on bikes up and down the driveway and had extensive games of tag or hide n seek. Let the imagination run wild.

What are you waiting for !! I highly recommend a visit or even to jump online and support them at The Veterans Retreat now.

Kylie has created individual teams of sponsorship with the animals so you get a personalised opportunity to connect with and contribute to these animals on a daily basis. Your sponsorship also goes towards the day to day running and
maintenance of Veterans Retreat for you and these animals to enjoy.

Book your stay and make sure you share with us your experience at Veterans Retreat and spread the word. Veterans Supporting Veterans Naturally will be hosting a ‘Wellness Weekend’ checking off all things holistic health and wellness over the long weekend in May 2021, Keep an eye on socials for updates and information.

Until then, live your best life !!

Kate Chisholm, Founder of Veterans Supporting Veterans Naturally.

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